LalBrew® Abbaye Belgian Style Ale Yeast 11g - Lallemand
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Abbaye is a Belgian ale yeast known for its abitlity to ferment Belgian style beers that can range from low to high alcohol levels. Abbaye produces spicy and fruity flavors, making it the perfect dry yeast to make beers of the Trappist variety, such as Dubbel, Tripel and Quad. When fermenting at higher temperatures, Abbaye will impart tropical, spicy and banana flavors and aromas. When fermenting at lower temperatures, the flavors and aromas become that of darker fruits, such as raisin, date and fig.
- Beer Styles: Belgian
- Aroma: Spicy, fruity, tropical, banana
- Attenuation: High
- Fermentation Range: 63-77°F
- Flocculation: Medium to High
- Alcohol Tolerance: 14% ABV
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