Saflager S-23 Lager Yeast - Fermentis

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Great to keep on hand, either as a backup, or as a go-to yeast for your lagers. Produces a nice lager taste: clean and crisp.

Bottom fermenting brewer’s yeast originating from Berlin in Germany. It’s recommended for the production of fruitier and more estery lagers. Its profile gives beers with a good length on the palate. Widely used by European commercial breweries. Best when fermented at low temperatures, yet can ferment at higher temperatures (61-68° F).

S-23 is a genuine German style dried lager yeast, developing the best of its lager notes under low-temperature fermentation (50-57° F). Good flocculation with excellent attenuation.

Yeast Features:

  • Ideal Fermentation Temperature: 53–59F 
  • Attenuation: 80–84%
  • Alcohol Tolerance: 9-11%

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